Wednesday, June 20, 2012


40 pounds later and a Biggest Loser 2nd place finish...yea, changes are a-happenin'.  Lovin' being lighter and having a better attitude about me.  I took up running.  Couple of 5K's under my belt and trying to run daily (although the last week I've slacked in the heat)...who woulda thunk I'd really enjoy running. But yea, I really really do.  Really...

And there's a boy.  Isn't there always a boy?  They do seem to crop up in my life. This one is, well, different. Really? Different? What's so different about's not the typical boy in my life that's for sure. #1 he's got a job. #2 he's responsible. #2 he's a genuinely nice person. So...what's my problem?  Huh. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Amazing eh? Yup, pretty amazing. Not looking for the other shoe to drop. Not looking for a problem. Not looking for anything but to enjoy what's happening in my life right now.

Very amazing for me. I'm relaxed. I'm happy. I'm healthy. Life is GOOD.

1 comment:

Lori said...

A boy? So, who IS this person? Glad to hear how healthy you are too! Good for you!