Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18th

This day has been a tough for me for 14 years.  You'd think that after so many years, the pain of this day would subside. For most of each year that is true...until April 18th arrives. Then the arrives and the memories of losing my Dad flood back in and fill me with sadness, longing and an ache in my heart.  I miss him daily...some more than others of course...but April 18th most of all.   I always take a vacation day on April 18th so I can visit the cemetery, spend time remembering and talking to him...and being alone the rest of the day with my thoughts.  This year is no different in taking the day missing visiting with him at the cemetery. But this year, I also spent some time with a friend today...sharing stories of my Dad and family.  Remembering Dad in this different way, by sharing the day and telling someone else who never knew my father a little bit about him, helped me as well.  My thoughts and stories were all good memories of DAD...not of this fateful DAY.  And that is the way it should be today...good memories of Dad, not that day 14 years ago.  I am thankful for my friend spending time with me and listening.  Today, of all days, was a very good day.

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