Thursday, April 5, 2012


I am not a fan of drama.  I do not like to create drama.  I steer clear of drama as much as possible.  Lately, that's been a difficult thing as I navigate the road of life...I'm encountering drama at work, with family, in my own personal life.  To me, this is unacceptable.  Yet, how do I stop it?  I don't.  Which brings me to my control issues.  I like control.  I like having it.  I like being the person with control.  Drama to me, means no control.  When I have no control I get irritated.  When I get irritated, I raise my voice.  When I raise my voice, it creates drama.  Sigh.  It's a vicious circle that apparently I have the power to fix.  I am realizing that while I may dislike drama, there are times when I am the one to cause it -- because I've lost control.  Of me. 

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