Thursday, April 5, 2012 choice

I wrote this post awhile ago.  I saved it as a draft and was re-reading today.  I think it actually may be worth posting.

A few weekends ago, I attended a picnic and was talking to some folks there about my experience at the mall the previous day. I try not to go into the mall often...but I had an appointment at the Clinique counter at Boston Store for a "make over" and I was early. Can I come back in 20 minutes? Sure, might as well go to Rogers & Holland to see about replacing my watch battery. My watch happens to be a Movado so battery replacement is not a task the jewelry store can handle -- they must send it out. Which means a wait. And an expense. $65 to be exact for the battery. Well, since I'm going to be without it anyway what else can be done? High-polish for $90? Sure, might as well make the watch look new again.

And back to the Boston Store I Clinique gal is still busy (it was the weekend of prom)...can I come back in about 15 minutes? Sure, might as well head to the shoe department. Where I proceed to buy 2 pair of shoes -- I did have the all-day shopping pass (20% off) but of course, it didn't work on the one pair of not inexpensive Coach sandals that fit and feel so great on my feet which could not be passed up. So, $350 worth of shoes later I head back to Clinique...where my gal is ready for me.

Of course, it being her last day at Clinique, I have to make a few purchases of my essentials and the new items she's tried on my face...which amounts to about $200 worth of product. Honestly, that's not an all-time high at the counter for me.

So all total, my shopping excursion for the day has cost roughly $700. It's only money, you can't take it with you but more importantly it's for a good cause -- ME.

Which is the statement I make at the picnic...which in turn, gets an immediate comment (from a man of course): "No wonder you're still single! It's because you're so high maintenance!" Which of course, makes all the other men around laugh. But makes me pause for a moment...and before I can even cousin pipes up with "She's not high maintenance -- she buys all these thing for herself and has never asked anyone to but things for her -- she is the least high-maintenance person I know". That made me smile. I then responded (after thanking my cousin) with: "As for high maintenance, I feel I'm special enough to be treated to nice things which I have the ability and means to purchase for myself...I've not found the man yet who understands that about anyone but himself. Men can treat themselves to their 'toys' - cars, motorcycles, etc. But women aren't allowed to treat themselves to their own 'toys' - shoes, clothes, spa days, etc. without being labeled 'high-maintenance'. I've not found a man yet who is 'man enough' to handle the fact that I make a decent living. Which means I can afford to buy my 'toys' or enjoy a $75 bottle of wine or tip extremely well or hire a lawn service. You find me a man who truly is secure enough with himself to be comfortable knowing the woman he's with makes more money than he does -- not just giving lip-service to saying it -- then maybe, just maybe..I'd consider being 'unsingle'."

That quieted the male crowed quite handily.

1 comment:

Lori said...

OHHHH yes! I LOVE this post!